Beautiful Goddess type Priest Transmog

I got so lucky with the drop of the helm and shoulders.  I was in a group for Mythic SOO and I lost both rolls for the tier token.  Later the Paladin who won (gasp can't remember his name) just gave them to me.  He said he saw the way his paladin gear looked and didn't care for it so he just gave it to me.  Well I'll take it!  I think it looks great with this set. :D

Hood:  Hood of the Ternion Glory
Shoulders:  Mantle of the Ternion Glory
Chest:  Robes of the Guardian Saint
Belt:  Belt of Ominous Trembles
Wrist: Runed Spelled Cuffs
Hands:  Wild Gladiator's Satin Gloves

I am not certain these are the gloves I used for this pic, I believe the gloves were a low level green item.  Basically any short wrist glove will work as long as they are gold/neutral/or teal in color I suppose.  It's the wrist that stands out.

Feet:  Curate's Boots


  1. What are the pieces of this set called

    1. Hello! Sorry about that, I left wow and updating this page for a bit but I'm back now! I just updated the page with all the current set items, enjoy :D


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