Just another night of shenanigans

Don't you just LOVE the birds in Kun-lai?  I mean seriously, they are so awesome, but slow.  I managed to take this ss right before a bird came and attempted to photobomb me.  I was too fast.  I LOL'd and then the bird got pissed and dismounted me.  FAIL bird!  I'm a priest and has leVITATe!  
And this pic, just cause I look so awesome on my pink chicken chewing gum. 

Bunny ears and gum yo.  I'm the bees-knees.  But Ony looks sad in this picture.  Maybe it's cause she has no gum...or bunny ears.

Another with Ony's wings extended. Yoooooo!  I had to promise her gum for this pose. :P

And last but not least, me and my homey chillin.  Oh and FYI don't ever try to /lick a mage.  That frost armor yo, not appropriate!  And dat fire armor they have goin on ain't any better! Darn dem mages!


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