Beautiful PVP priest transmog.

I really wish there were more white/silver or red or black choices for priests.  I don't seem to wander too farm from this general blue idea.  I'm actually wearing a dress though!  No pants!  kek!  I actually YOLO'd myself to 1800 in RBGs just so I can buy the Legionnaire's Satin Vestments.  What I do for fashion. :D  Infact everything I'm wearing is pvp gear.  The belt is the Defiler's Cloth Girdle.  The shoulders are my fancy Merciless Gladiator's Santin Mantle.  My headpiece, when it's showing is Vengeful Gladiator's Satin Hood.  I gotta find me a new blue staff.  One of these days I'll go farm one.

It was my buddys bday today so for a bday gift I offered my priestly services.  LOL.  I was basically his personal healbot in bgs and also farming.  I also let him keep all the mats from farming.  I'm too nice I know.  Too awesome!!!

Chills riding piggyback?

Nice sunset.  lol  <3  And yes, I love my Tyrael's mount!!


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