
Taking a break from the transmog and throwing in some totally random writing: 

I awakened slowly at first and remained in the dream like state of surreal madness that only anesthesia could produce for as long as I could. In a stupor that waxed and waned between reality and normalcy I subconsciously fought to remain in my dream. 

Looking back, I do not think my mind wanted to face the reality that was my current state of affairs.  The world was beautiful here, there was serenity  everywhere in my vast field of flowers of which I stood in the middle of. 

Millions and millions of colorful flowers, each one was different from the other and special in its own way.  They stood tall, saluting the warm sun hanging like a gold medal in the sky and wanting to be admired.  In the distance I could hear the rush of water from a nearby waterfall and to the west, a grand forest of Sequoias, that would have drowned out the sunlight if the sun had not been directly above us, stood tall and proud like shadows of great ancestors. 

I had this distinct feeling that I had been there before, perhaps in another long lost dream but this realization felt only like déjà vu for at the  moment, I was not in a dream but in a great big green world living my life as it was meant to be lived.  Free.

Unlike the world this body currently lived in now.  This world was a broken, falling apart concrete jungle.  It died a long time ago from neglect and clear abandon.  Humanity was hanging by a thread to remain in a world with barely breathable air, waifish plant life and horrible nutrition. The world had become much like the atmosphere of Mars and we all lived in protective bunkers underground hardly seeing the sun.  The sunlight we did see was filtered through shades because its direct impact with no ozone would burn our skin.

In the distance an echo is heard calling my name, “Lori…..” but I paid no heed.  The voice was uninteresting, plain and just a bit too annoying to pay attention to. 

I extended my arms out towards the sun and let every inch of warmth absorb into my body and soul.  I planted my bare feet deep into the red  earth letting the warmth of the soil soak up through my legs.  I wanted to be like these beautiful flowers, with not a care in the world and not a want for anything.

“Lori…”  The voice returned, louder this time and I looked up, squinting at the bright sun, thinking it was calling me to it.  I blinked at the bright aura a few times then as quick as lightning I was swung into another world much louder and vivid as the one I had left.  The dance between wakefulness and slumber was over.

I lied there, dumbfounded temporarily gathering my wits.  I was back in the operating room surrounded by screaming gadgets, tubes and wires and a myriad of bustling nurses and doctors.  And it was cold….so very cold.

I blinked several times, my brain still annoyed and angry for leaving paradise and I tried to focus on what this nurse with red hair was telling me. 

“Lori. “  She said.  “Blink your eyes if you can hear me.”

Instinctively I tried to speak but couldn’t.  I focused again on the nurse in front of me, letting her oval face focus in my view.  I blinked twice and then I remembered why I could not speak.  They had told me ahead of time I was going to be hooked up the “machine” when I woke up…if it had been successful.  A stiff and awkward smile crept up on my face despite, the tube in my mouth.  It had worked!  The operation was a success and I so far I had survived!   


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