Steampunk Cloth Priest Transmog

I love this pandarian outfit for Steampunk.  I'm still looking for the perfect weapon.  There are so many maces, wands and even off hands that give off a steampunk look but I don't favor them.  They just don't stand out the way a staff does.  This staff is not perfect but I think it gives this look a little flare.  The red brings out the little bit of red from the robe and gloves.  The blue electrical glow brings out the blue in the highlights.  The enchant illusion is Landslide for the gold and bits of ethereal rock it emits.  I think it's cute :D

This is an alternative staff, it's blue, it's got whirling metal pieces, but eh...

Here is a whirling metal mace with a book as an offhand.  Again, eh...

And ofcourse, you gotta be on a flying electrical disk.  :D

I also really like the traditional gold and blue staff, Icecore Staff.  Just trying to get away from some of the more common looks, but it really does work rather nicely!!

Weapon:  Twisted Visage


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