Arathi Basin Noob

Ok so coming back to WOW in the middle of Legion was a little annoying.  So many changes!  I finally got my transmog situation under control, freed up a lot of bag space but my artifact  I picked the wrong ones.  I need my holy weapons cause that's what I wanna do.  That and shadow.  I usually prefer to heal in bgs tho so here is my noob self going into Arathi Basin with no holy weapons and no add-ons....curse is broken whaaaa? I've always been a lame clicker so that's ok.  I died more times than I wanted but it's cool, I still did a'right.  I want to atleast get my talents maxxed out.  Fun way to waste time while my silly priest companions come back from their quests...hurry I need to start on holy weapon questline!  haha


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